The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Edit Search >Print< Files Windows Utilities Quit
Print Form Sheet Direct Codes Hardware Top
Press [P] in response to the Main Menu to issue any of
the following commands:
Print: Print a group of records.
Form: Specify the format for printing records.
Sheet: Define page length and margins.
Specify how records are split at page
Direct: Send text or codes directly to the printer.
Codes: Define the printer codes for underline and bold.
Hardware: Select the printer port.
Specify whether a carriage return and new line
feed are sent to the printer at the end of each
Specify whether the program pauses before
printing a new page.
Top: Set the printer to the top of a page.
3by5 Chapter 6
>Print< Form Sheet Direct Codes Hardware Top
Print records from a file
The Print Menu's Print Command is used to print a group
of records to a printer, the screen or a file. The records
are printed by record number and may be sorted alpha-
betically. To print a group of records by a search key,
use the Search Command.
Press [P] to print. If more than one file is open, the
program will ask you to select the file for printing. It
will then ask for the range of records to print.
Type the starting record number and press <Enter>. Then
type the ending record number and press <Enter>.
The program will then ask you:
From file FILENAME print records:
Sort records? (Y/N)
If you press [N], the program will start printing the
records in numerical sequence.
If you pressed [Y] to sort the records, the program will
begin to sort the records by the first line of text if there
are no fields in the file. Otherwise, the program will
display the names of the fields and ask for primary and
secondary sort fields. If you want to sort by one field
alone, just press <Enter> in response to the secondary field
Aborting printing: To abort a printing session, press
<Esc>. The program will ask you to confirm the command.
Press [Y].
3by5 Chapter 6
Print >Form< Sheet Direct Codes Hardware Top
Select print format
This command is used to specify a format for printing
records. Formats for printing records are stored as
standard 3by5 file records and are called PRINT FORMS.
In response to the Print Command, press [F] for the Form
Command. The program will ask you for the number of
the file that contains the Print Form:
Enter number of file with Print Form. 0 = standard listing
Type the file number. The program will then ask for the
number of the record that contains the Print Form you
want to use. Type the record number and press <Enter>.
The Print Form will be loaded into memory and any
records printed will be printed in the format specified by
that record.
If you want to reset the program to the standard format
for printing, type [0] <Enter>.
Selecting a Print Form While Searching
Alternatively, you may load a Print Form while searching.
After the record is located, the Search Command Menu will
be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Press [L] to
load the record.
The standard Print Format is to print one record after
another. The record number is printed before the
record, all fields are included and the record is followed by
a blank line. There is a six line top margin with the name
of the file on the second line and a six line bottom
margin. For example:
3by5 Chapter 6
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include five variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed,
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
Many other formats are possible. The formats are stored
in standard 3by5 Print Form Files. These files have the
extension "PFM". Your 3by5 master diskette has a file
FORMS.PFM with sample Print Forms. The forms will be
reviewed as an introduction to printing with 3by5. Once
you load a Print Form into memory, you may close the file
that contained the Print Form.
Print Forms define the way in which text will be printed.
Any text in the form will be printed. The "@" symbol is
used as an instruction for printing specific information
(e.g. fields, field names, file names, etc.)
3by5 Chapter 6
Record one of FORMS.PFM contains the simplest Print
Form. It is designed for printing from a file with no fields
or at most one field (e.g. file PROGRAMS.3X5).
The "@A" on the first line indicates that the contents of
field A will be printed. The field letter must be in upper
case for the contents to be printed. In this case file
PROGRAMS.3X5 has no fields and the entire record is
considered to be field A.
The "<" symbol indicates the carriage return mark that
results from pressing the <Enter> key.
If a field is longer than one line, the following lines of
print will be adjusted downward.
This Print Form will result in one record being printed
after another. Assuming that the Sheet Command settings
are unchanged, there will be a top margin of six blank
lines and a bottom margin of six blank lines.
No spaces will be printed between records.
The results of using this FORM with file PROGRAMS.3X5
are shown on the next page.
Note that there is a standard top margin of 6 lines and a
standard bottom margin of 6 lines. Since no headers or
footers were defined, there is no text in either the top or
bottom margins.
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include ten variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 2 (Blank lines between records)
Record two of FORMS.PFM contains a record format that
is very similar to record one of FORMS.PFM. The only
difference is that there is a carriage return on line two.
This will result in a blank line being printed after each
The results of using this FORM with file PROGRAMS.3X5
are shown on the next page.
In this case the blank line with a carriage return in the
form record causes a blank line to be printed between
records. If there were two blank lines in the Print Form
record, there would be two blank lines between records in
the printout.
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include ten variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed,
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 3 (Record numbers)
Record three of FORMS.PFM contains a record format that
is very similar to record two of FORMS.PFM. The only
difference is that the first line contains the text "RECORD
NUMBER:" and is followed by the symbol "@#". The text
"RECORD NUMBER:" will be printed on the line before
each reference and will be followed by the number of the
record. The "@#" symbol can appear anywhere on a Print
Form (except the header or footer).
The results of using this FORM with file PROGRAMS.3X5
are shown on the next page.
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include ten variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed,
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
3by5 Chapter 6
REC# @#<
Record four of FORMS.PFM contains a record format that
is similar to record three of FORMS.PFM. The differences
Six header lines have been added. The symbol "@." at the
start of a line indicates a header or footer. If the
"@." symbol is at the top of a Print Form, it indicates a
header. If it is at the bottom of a Print Form, it
indicates a footer.
The second line of the Print Form is a header line. It
contains the text "RECORDS FROM FILE:", followed by the
symbol "@*". The symbol "@*" indicates that the name of
the file being printed should be included at that location.
Line nine of the Print Form has a dashed line. It will
separate records.
The results of using this FORM with file PROGRAMS.3X5
are shown on the next page.
A header may contain any text you want to print. It is
not necessary to include all the lines of a header. If you
do not specify the text for a header line, it will be printed
as a blank line.
REC# 4
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include ten variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
REC# 5
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed,
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
REC# 6
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 5 (Headers and Footers)
@* REC# @#
Record five of FORMS.PFM contains a record format that
is similar to record four of FORMS.PFM. The first two
footer lines have been defined: the first footer line is
blank and the second contains a row of asterisks.
The results of using this Print Form with file
PROGRAMS.3X5 are shown on the next page.
As with a header, it is necessary to only define those lines
of a footer that you want to contain text (or other
characters such as the asterisks above).
Note that in this example, the file name and record number
are printed before each record. It is shown just to
demonstrate that a file name can be placed anywhere
within a record and anywhere on a page. The record
number was intentionally moved to the right side of the
3by5 Starter Kit
Softshell Corp.
A good way to get started with free-text management systems.
Features include ten variable length fields per record, sort by
any field and the 3by5 Reference Manager.
Softshell Corp.
3by5 is an information management program that offers speed,
simplicity and versatility in entering, indexing and retrieving
free-text and structured data. Up to 26 variable length fields
per record are allowed.
3by5 Plus
Softshell Corp.
With the release of 3by5 Version 5.0, the features of 3by5 Plus
have been incorporated into 3by5, and 3by5 Plus is no longer
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 6 (Multiple Fields)
@a @A REC# @#<
@b @B<
@c @C<
@d @D<
Record 6 of FORMS.PFM is designed for use with file
ADDRESS.3X5 of your 3by5 master diskette. ADDRESS.3X5
has four fields:
A: Name field
B: Address field
C: Phone number(s)
D: Comments
In this example the name of the file will be printed in the
second line of the top margin.
The "@a" symbol indicates that the name of the A field
should be printed, while the "@A" symbol indicates that the
contents of the A field should be printed. If the "@"
symbol is followed by a lower case letter, the name of a
field is printed; if it is followed by an upper case letter,
the contents of the field are printed.
The single carriage return on line 10 causes a blank line to
be printed between the telephone field and the comments
field. If a field contains several lines, the following lines
of print will be adjusted downward.
Record six of FORMS.PFM has the following Sheet
Command settings:
Page Length: 66
Left margin: 11
Right margin: 76
Top Margin: 6
Bottom margin: 6
Conditional: 1
The Sheet Command settings were entered into the record
by using the editor's Sheet Command function key
<Shift-F8>. See page 32 for more information.
The Conditional New Page value of 1 indicates that if
there is at least one line of text at the bottom of a page
(excluding the footer lines), the next record will be printed
on the current page and continued, if necessary, on the
following page. This minimizes the number of pages
required to print a group of records, but may result in
some records being split across page boundaries.
If records 1 through 10 from file ADDRESS.3X5 are printed
using this Print Form, record 6 will be split across page
Sheet Command settings entered into a Print Form using
the editor will over-ride the default settings defined by the
Print-Sheet Command.
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 7 (Conditional New Page)
@a @A REC# @#<
@b @B<
@c @C<
@d @D<
Record 7 of FORMS.PFM is designed for use with file
ADDRESS.3X5 of your 3by5 master diskette. It has the
same format as record 6, except that it has the following
Sheet Command settings:
Page Length: 66
Left margin: 11
Right margin: 76
Top margin: 6
Bottom margin: 6
Conditional: 0
The Conditional New Page value of 0 indicates that if
there must be enough room on a page for a record to be
printed, or the program will skip to the next page and
print the current record. This prevents records from being
printed across page boundaries, but may result in wasted
space at the bottom of each page.
If records 1 through 10 from file ADDRESS.3X5 are printed
using this Print Form, record 6 will be printed on a new
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 8 (Mailing labels)
Record 8 of FORMS.PFM is designed for use with file
ADDRESS.3X5 of your 3by5 master diskette. It will print
mailing labels containing the name and address fields. As
noted in Example 6, ADDRESS.3X5 has four fields:
A: Name field
B: Address field (street, city, state, zip, etc.)
C: Phone number(s)
D: Comments
Record 8 has the following Sheet Command parameters that
were set while editing the record:
Page length = 6 (assumes five lines per
label and one in between)
Left margin = 10
Right margin = 50
Top margin = 0
Bottom Margin = 0
Conditional = 6 (one record per label)
The above settings will eliminate the printing of a header
or footer (top and bottom margins = 0). Each label will be
treated as a page (Conditional New Page = Page Length).
See pages 32 and 96 for information on using the Sheet
The format of the record is simple. On line one the name
of the person in field A will be printed. On line two, the
address will begin. It may be up to 5 lines long. One
record is printed per page (label).
3by5 Chapter 6
PRINT FORM: EXAMPLE 9 (Printing Person Fields)
Last_name, First_name: @A<
First_name Last_name: @A1<
First_name only: @A2<
Last_name only: @A3<
Record 9 of FORMS.PFM is designed for use with record
6 of file ADDRESS.3X5 of your 3by5 master diskette.
Record 6 of ADDRESS.3X5 has the name Wilkins, Robert P.
in the first field which is defined as a Person Field.
The contents of a Person Field are usually entered:
Last_name, First_name Middle_name or Middle_initial.
If the field letter is not followed by a digit, the contents
of the field are printed unchanged. If the field letter is
followed by the digit 1, the contents of the field are
printed First_name Middle_name or Middle_intitial
Last_name. If the field letter is followed by the digit 2,
only the first name is printed. If the field letter is
followed by the digit 3, only the last name is printed.
If Record 9 of FORMS.PFM is used as the Print Form for
printing Record 6 of ADDRESS.3X5, the following record
will be printed:
Last_name, First_name: Wilkins, Robert P.
First_name Last_name: Robert P. Wilkins
First_name only: Robert
Last_name only: Wilkins
Sometimes you may want to append several fields
together. For example, you may have a file with the
following fields:
A Last name
B First name
C Street address
D City
E State
F ZIP Code
You can append the last name and first name fields
together to get one name. Similarly the City, State and
Zip Code fields can be appended.
The rule for appending fields is as follows:
After the initial "@" symbol, there is a field letter. This
is followed immediately by another "@" which may be
followed by a character to be printed or by another field
For example:
@B@ @A will print the first name, a space,
and the last name.
@D@ @E@ @F will print the city, a space, the state,
a space, and the ZIP Code.
The ability to append fields has been added to 3by5 at the
request of users who sort 3by5 records by ZIP Code or
state and want to be able to print labels with the city,
state and ZIP Code on one line.
3by5 Chapter 6
3by5 used the "@' symbol to signify a Print Form
command. The following codes may be used:
@A designates that the contents for field A will be printed
at the location of the "@" symbol. The field must be
specified as an upper case letter (i.e. A - Z).
@a designates that the name of the field will be printed at
the location of the "@"
(i.e. a - z).
@# designates that the current record number will be
printed at the location of the "@". The "#" symbol
may be followed by a "-" sign to specify that the
record number will be left justified.
A "0" (zero) designates zero filling of any blank
Finally, a digit from 1 to 9 may be used to specify the
number of spaces in the record field. The rules are
those used by the C language function printf().
@* The current file name will be printed
@. The line is a header or footer
@$ The sheet format control line was used in Version 4.0
Print Forms to set margins for printing. With the
release of Version 5.0, Print Form margins are set
using the Sheet Command while editing (see page 32).
The sheet format control line created by earlier
versions of 3by5 can still be read by 3by5 V5.0. This
command can appear only as the first two characters
of the first line. It must be followed by the page
length, left margin, right, top margin, bottom margin,
and Form Parameter (Y or N). For example:
@$ 66 6 6 15 90 Y
Each parameter is separated by one or more spaces.
The order of the parameters is the same as that used
by the Sheet Command.
In the above example, the page length is set to 66, the
top and bottom margins to 6 lines each, the left
margin to column 15 and the right margin to column
90. The Form Parameter set to Y indicates that each
record will be printed on a separate page.
@= This symbol should appear at the end of a line. It
indicates that the contents of the line are to be
printed on the same line as the form line. The text
will not be adjusted in an upward or downward
@- This symbol should appear at the end of a line. It
indicates that the contents of the line should be moved
up to the last printed line of text.
\xxx A back slash followed by three digits is used to send
a printer code. The value of the three digits is sent to
the printer. For example, \027 is sent as 27 (the escape
3by5 Chapter 6
Print Form >Sheet< Direct Codes Hardware Top
Set sheet margins, pause and form options
The Sheet Command is used to specify the number of lines
per page, the left, right, top and bottom margins. It also
specifies how records are split at page boudaries.
Press [S] to specify the Sheet Command. The following
screen will be displayed:
Page length: (0 - 66) 66
Left margin: (1 - 110) 11
Right margin: (11 - 120) 76
Top margin: (0 - 25) 6
Bottom margin: (0 - 25) 6
Conditional: (0 - 66) 1
<Esc> Cancel <F10> save
Page length is the length of the page in lines. A standard
8.5 x 11 inch page has 66 lines (6 lines per inch). A 3by5
card has 18 lines per page.
Left Margin is the left margin for printing.
Right Margin is the right margin for printing. Any
attempt to print past the right margin results in a carriage
return and new line feed.
Top Margin is the number of lines the printer will leave at
the top of a page before printing records.
Bottom Margin is the number of lines the printer will leave
at the bottom of the page.
Conditional refers to Conditional New Page. It defines how
the printer splits records at page boundaries. The
Conditional New Page is the number of lines that must be
present at the bottom of the page before the program will
start printing a record.
If the Conditional New Page is greater than or equal to
the page length, each record is printed as a separate
page. For printing 3x5 cards or large records the Page
Length should be set to 18 lines and the Condition New
Page set to 18. If you are printing references on standard
8.5 x 11 inch paper, most likely you will want to print
several records on a page, in which case the Conditional
New Page should be set between 0 and 6.
If the Conditional New Page is set to 0 (zero) and there
are not enough lines remaining on the current page to
print the entire contents of the next record, the program
will skip to the next page.
Type in your new printer parameters and press enter after
each value. You may use the Up and Down Arrow keys to
move from one value to another.
When you are finished, press <F10> to save the new
values. Press <Esc> to cancel any values you have entered.
3by5 Chapter 6
Print Form Sheet >Direct< Codes Hardware Top
Type text or printer codes directly to printer
The Direct Command allows you to type a line of text and
have it printed directly to the printer after you press
Codes may be inserted by using a back slash followed by
three decimal digits for the code. For example, the line
will send codes 27 and 71 to the printer and will turn on
bold printing on an IBM or Epson dot matrix printer.
Press <Esc> when you are finished sending text or codes
directly to the printer.
Print Form Sheet Direct >Codes< Hardware Top
Set printer codes for underline and bold
The Codes Command allows you to specify the printer
codes for printing bold text and for underlining. 3by5 bold
and underline commands are set for the IBM or Epson dot
matrix printer. If you have another printer, you can
specify the codes that will be sent to the printer for
printing bold text and for underlining.
Press [D] and the following prompt will appear:
Bold on: \027\071
Type command sequence and press <Enter>.
This is the command sequence to start bold printing on
IBM and Epson dot matrix printers. You may type in any
code sequence up to 20 characters in length. Each code
character is formed by a "\" followed by three decimal
After you press <Enter>, the program will prompt you for
the command sequence to stop bold printing: "Bold off:
You may type a new command sequence or press <Enter> to
retain the current command sequence.
After you press <Enter>, the program will prompt you for
the command sequence to start underlining:
"Underline on: \027\045\001"
You may type a new command sequence or press <Enter> to
retain the current command sequence.
3by5 Chapter 6
After you press <Enter>, the program will prompt you for
the command sequence to stop underlining:
"Underline off: \027\045\000"
You may type a new command sequence or press <Enter> to
retain the current command sequence.
See your printer manual to determine the proper codes for
bold printing and underlining.
Print Form Sheet Direct Codes >Hardware< Top
Set hardware parameters
The Printer Hardware Command is used to specify the printer
port (0 - 3), whether a new line feed should be transmitted to
the printer after each carriage return, and whether the printer
should pause after each page. The default printer port is #1
and the default end of line is to send a carriage return and
new line feed.
Press [H] for the Hardware Command. The program will
display the following:
Printer 1 New Line Feed Y Pause N
Printer number (0=Screen 1=Printer 1 2=Printer 2 3=Print File
The default printer is number 1. If you want to direct
printing to the screen, just type [0] and all printing will
be directed to the screen. If you want to print to an
ASCII print file, press [3]. The program will ask for the
number of the open file to which printing will be directed.
Select a non-3by5 file.
The program will move to the New Line Feed prompt. If
your printer performs a new line feed after each carriage
return, type [N] in response to the New Line Feed prompt.
The program will move to the Pause prompt. Press [Y] if
you want the printer to pause after each page is printed.
This will allow you to insert another sheet of paper.
3by5 Chapter 6
Print Form Sheet Direct Codes Hardware >Top<
Set printer to top of page
The Top Command is used to direct 3by5 that you are
setting the printer to the top of a new page. It is used if
the paper is not aligned properly, if you change paper
while printing, or if you abort printing and want to start
on a new page.
Press [T] and the program will prompt you:
Set printer to top of page.
Press <Enter> to continue.
Manually position the paper to the top of the page, and
press <Enter>.
This page reserved for notes.
3by5 Chapter 6